Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Just purchased the new Mac OS X What will happen is sometimes when a job gets sent to the printer regardless from where I've tried swapping out the physical ethernet cable, use a different jack, nothing produces different results. Printer Driver for XP: Browse the Latest Snapshot. So, is all you can print on is letter size? ko350u.ppd

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Any ko3500u.ppd how I can get the printer to run at a higher resolution? I have a bizhub which is networked up with 5 computers all running XP pro and loaded with Pagescope cabinet.

If I drop account track I can print to it just fine but my environment prevents me from doing so. Konica Minolta C Book Scanning no replies. Another thing I am missing is the option to set the quality.

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Embed this content in your HTML. Printer Driver for Win7: It moved the cneter. Contact us about this article. It uploaded it and accpeted it when I was adding the printer, but the 'printer options' page gives: I'd entertain the idea that we could have alternate networking issues throughout the office, but with our old printer we never had any such issue.

Sometimes we have to repeat the process over and over until the "copier waiting" issue goes away. Page 1 2 Are you the publisher? I have tried adjusting the resolution setting without kk350u.ppd.


Dif with a code c 1 reply. I ko305u.ppd looked at the setup function in Pagescope on my other computers and they each have a username and password, whereas my 5th comp is defaulted to administrator with no password. Browse the Latest Snapshot. Anybody please some advices or solutions?

OpenPrinting User Forums - Printers from KONICA MINOLTA, KONICA, MINOLTA, QMS

Getting a W to print correctly on diferent size media no replies. Inkscape itself prints the card at the top, but completely over to the left side. We're having a ton of problems printing here in the office. Furthermore, Duplex is by default "OFF", so has to be switched on manually. It is a bound book and I can't use the fast scanner so I have to use the one that you pull up. The 5th computer is a new addition to my family, It plays fine with the network and after a lot of mucking around I managed to get it printing as well, however I can't seem to figure out how to get it to receive an image from scan.

Konica Minolta service desk is not helpful and "advise" me to by original ones I've called our dealer and they've pretty much shafted me saying this is an IT issue and they aren't responsible for anything in that area.

If that's true, then hopefully I'm right in coming to these forums to help solve this supposed "IT" issue. Bizub Account Track 2 replies. A google search has proved fruitless. And last but not least, there is an option to prevent re-calibration after every printout and save toner at least since Controller-Firmware A00F30G Bizhub - Copier Waiting 1 reply.


The printer now produces again very good prints, but the messages and error ko350u.;pd still remain, which is very irritating. I try implement something like this: Now our computers don't "see" those new trays when they try to print to them.

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