Wednesday, 11 December 2019


His musical career had started in , and continued during the war despite the occupation. Music of the Greek immigrant community in the United States. The most significant contribution in this respect was perhaps a series of LPs recorded by the singer Sotiria Bellou , who had had a fairly successful career from onwards, initially under the wing of Tsitsanis. Albania performers Bosnia and Herzegovina performers Bulgaria performers Croatia performers Cyprus performers Greece performers Kosovo performers Moldova performers Montenegro performers North Macedonia performers Romania performers Serbia performers Slovenia performers Turkey performers Yugoslavia performers. A night at a proper rebetadiko is a ritual. Sometimes a lone man would get up and dance a Zebekiko dance. rembetika music

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The etymology of the word rebetis remains the subject of dispute and uncertainty; an early scholar of rebetiko, Elias Petropoulosand the modern Greek lexicographer Giorgos Babiniotis, both offer various suggested derivations, but leave the question open.

At about the same time many of the old time performers—both singers and bouzouki players—abandoned the musical scene of Greece. musif

History of Rebetiko music

In the wake of the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the population exchange ofhuge numbers rembetka refugees settled in PiraeusThessalonikiVolos and other harbor cities. Despite this evidence, we still know nothing of the early history of the instrument's association with what came to be called rebetiko.

rembetika music

By the end of the s rebetiko had reached what can reasonably be called its classic phase, in which elements of the early Piraeus style, elements of the Asia Minor style, clearly European and Greek folk music elements, had fused to generate a genuinely syncretic musical form. Rebetikoplural rebetika Greek: The scales used in rebetico music are the traditional western major and minor scales, as well as a series of eastern makamsinfluenced by the Ottoman classical music.

However, the majority of rebetiko songs have been accompanied by instruments capable of playing chords according to the Western harmonic system, and have thereby been harmonized in a manner which corresponds neither with conventional European harmony, nor with Ottoman art music, which is a monophonic form normally not harmonized.

Retrieved October 19, musicc Furthermore, rebetika has rembetka to be played on instruments tuned in equal temperament, in direct conflict with the more complex pitch divisions of the makam system.

Rebetiko - Wikipedia

Soon well-known composers of rebetika—like KaldarasChiotis, Renbetika —started to write songs tailored to Stelios powerful voice and this created a further shift in rebetika music. A night at the rebetadiko isn't just a night at a live music venue, it's a ritual. This combined situation contributed, during the s, to the almost total eclipse of rebetiko by other popular styles. Contemporary Entehno Nisiotika Rebetiko Skiladiko.

Kazantzidis, thus, sung and popularized such rebetika classics as 'Synnefiasmeni Kyriaki' Clouded Sunday"Bakse tsifliki" and "Ta Kavourakia".

rembetika music

A band performs live every night, it serves fresh seafood, and every Saturday you can catch Lena Kitsopoulou, a great Greek actress who sings the rebetika. A night at a proper rebetadiko is a ritual. Rock rebetiko Greek folk hard rock.

rembetika music

Many of these Greek musicians from Asia Minor were highly competent musicians. Recording activities ceased during the Musicc occupation of Greece during World War II —and did not resume until ; that year, during a very short period, a handful of uncensored songs with drug references were recorded, several in multiple versions with different singers. In Greece was faced with the resettlement of over 1.

Then, when the original form was almost forgotten, and its original protagonists either dead, or in some cases almost consigned to oblivion, it became, from the s musid, a revived musical form of wide popularity, especially among younger people of the time. Even songs originally recorded with typical bouzouki-baglamas-guitar accompaniment could appear in Anatolian garments.

Rebetiko has its origins in an oral tradition where improvisation played an important role in both the music and lyrics.

Hamam in Petralona hosts the best rebetika bands in town. The following select discography includes some of these historical anthologies, which are likely to be available in English speaking countries, plus a few Greek issues.

This poor class of workers had a rembetiak contact with the refugees and their culture. Much rebetiko is issued in Greece on CDs which quickly go out of print. In he started his cooperation with Vassilis Tsitsanis who, in addition to writing new songs for Kazantzidis, also gave him some of his old ones to reinterpret. CyprusPontusConstantinopleSouth Italy.


Rebetiko have always been the music of the poor and the dispossessed, combined different styles of the region and with lyrics describing the joy, the sorrow, the difficulties of everyday life. The musical personalities of Peristeris and Toundas in particular came to have enormous influence on the further development of recorded rembtika.

Rebetiko have been around in some form since the turn of the century. AthensPiraeusand Thessaloniki. Smyrneiki Estudiantina was a group of musicians playing popular music for Greeks worldwide. Perhaps rembetik significantly of all, Chiotis, himself a virtuoso not only on the bouzouki but on guitar, violin and oud, was responsible for introducing and popularizing the modified 4-stringed bouzouki tetrahordho in

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